RybaFish Charts

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Custom KPIs

Since v 0.45 RybaFish Charts supports regular custom KPI metrics.

Since v 0.6 gantt KPIs suported.

Since v 0.9 multiline KPIs suported.

Since v 0.91 variables suported.

This means you can define custom SQL statement providing time, host, optionally service port and some numeric values do be displayed on the chart along with the standard ones. For instance you can extract additional data from statistics service tables to display.

Such statement needs to be defined with some additional KPI details like units of measure, color, name, etc. Let’s see an example for memory information based on host_service_memory statistics service table:

file: sql/01_service_memory.yaml

kpis: [
    {type: 'service',
        name: 'mem_used',
        group: 'mem',
        sUnit: 'Byte',
        dUnit: 'MB',
        sqlname: 'total_memory_used_size',
        color: '#0D0',
        label: 'Used Service Memory',
        description: 'Used Service Memory'},
    {type: 'service',
        name: 'mem_eol',
        group: 'mem',
        sUnit: 'Byte',
        dUnit: 'MB',
        sqlname: 'effective_allocation_limit',
        color: '#080',
        label: 'Service Allocation Limit',
        description: 'Service Allocation Limit'

sql: >
        server_timestamp time,
    from _sys_statistics.host_service_memory

YAML files with custom KPI definitions must be stored in sql folder. When sub-folders created corresponding KPI groups will be created in KPIs table.

One YAML file can have several custom KPIs but all coming from the same sql statement. All KPIs have to have the same type (host or service, see below).

YAML file structure


Mandatory field with list of KPI descriptions.


Can only have one of two values: ‘service’ or ‘host’. When sql provides service-level metric - port must be one of the returned columns.


KPI internal name: it will be used internally by the ryba fish, must be unique.


KPI Group used for Y-Scale. Useful pre-defined values are mem for all memory metrics, thr - for threads. Zero means no grouping used.


Sample unit and display unit. The only pre-defined values are Bytes/MB usually used for memory metrics. See examples in m_load_history_info.


Name of the corresponding column in sql statement.


KPI style color in form of #RGB. #F00 - red, #0FF - cyan, etc.


By default all kpis displayed using solid lines. Available style options are: solid, dashed, dotted, dotline.


KPI Name in KPI table.


Free form KPI description for the KPI table.


You can set nofilter to True for KPIs that do not have host/port assigned. For example something coming from business tables. In this case no filters on host/port will be applied so the underlying SQL does not have to have those values. Note: this value applied to the whole sql sorce based on single KPI description.


SQL statement providing host, time optionally port and one or more integer kpi values. The time column has to have timestamp sql type.

Note: according to YAML formatting rules the sql statement has to start with ‘>’ character and must be idented. Only spaces allowed as indentation character, do not use \t to avoid yaml parsing issues.