RybaFish Charts

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Note: for custom KPIs documentation go to the customKPI page.

Configuration options description

The configuration defined in config.yaml file. Some of the settings can be applied without restart by executing Actions -> Reload Config, but some require restart of the application.

Main Stuff


fontSize: 8

Integer. Font size for the chart labels.

DPIAwareness (since 091 beta I)

DPIAwareness: True

Scale graphics and fonts according to system display settings. Enabled by default.


locale: 'en_gb'

By default the system locale used for number formatting: decimal and thousands separators. This can be changed by enforsing different locale. To get the list of available locales you can set some garbage value and in this case list of available locales will be written into the log file. To me honest, it is easier to change your system setting to have proper number formatting. Unfortunately, locales stuff is not very flexible.


thousandsSeparator: "\u00a0"

Enforce thouthands separator character. In this case non-breaking space code provided. This setting overrides locale. Make sure you use double-quotes for this one.


decimalPoint: "."

Enforce decimal point character.


newNumbersFormatting: False

Disable new improved numbers formatting routines (and use the legacy ones)


color-bg: '#FFF'

Changes the chart background to the specified value. Useful for dark XP-like color schemes.


memoryGB: True

Boolean. Force memory KPIs to be displayed in GB instead of default MB.


keepalive: 1200

Enables chart to send keep alive dummy queries to avoid disconnection due to inactivity.


saveLayout: True

Saves the window layout: position, size, etc. Information saved in layout.yaml - delete it in case of problems.


saveKPIs: True

Saves enabled KPIs. KPIs saved per host/port pair. Information saved in layout.yaml - delete it in case of problems. This feature requres saveLayout to be enabled.


saveOpenTabs: True

When enabled - open consoles will be re-opened after the restart, even if not saved. Backups will be saved in “bkp” folder. This feature requres saveLayout to be enabled.


loglevel: 3

Log level, maximum is 5 it will dump every executed SQL statement


legendTimeScale: False

Controls the time scale hint on the chart legend. Set it to False to disable, enabled by default, available in v.07

legendTenantName, legendServiceName

legendTenantName: False legendServiceName: False

Enables legend to include service name and tenant name, useful in multi-tenant monitoring from SystemDB. Disabled by default, available since v09

skipTenant (v0.9)

skipTenant: True

Skip the tenant name check for the initial connection. Usually not requred as this is very quick and works even on old non-MDC installations.

ganttOldImplementation (v 0.9)

ganttOldImplementation: True Boolean. Eenable to switch to old gantt render algorithm (potentially slow, see .log file for measurements)

autorefreshThreshold (v 0.9)

autorefreshThreshold: 30 Integer threshold in seconds. If refresh takes longer than this value - autorefresh will be disabled. Default is 0 (no threshold).

chartWidth (v 0.9)

chartWidth: 2 Chart line width. In most of the cases the default (1) is fine, but sometimes (for example when colorize enabled) value 2 makes chart more readable.


experimental: True

Boolean. Enables experimental functionality.


fontScale: 1.25

Decimal. Default scaling factor for the “Adjust Fonts” action.


console-fontSize: 10

Console editor font scale


highlightLOBs: True

Sets light gray backgtound for LOB fields just to be aware


keepalive-cons: 1800

Enables sql console to send keep alive dummy queries to avoid disconnection due to inactivity.


lowercase-columns: False

Lowercase column names when possible. We seriously think about the environment, lets save some ink when we can, uppercase is bad for environment.


resultSize: 1000

Number of rows fetched for the result set


nullString: '?'

SQL NULL value representation for table output


nullStringCSV: ''

SQL NULL value representation for CSV or Copy

noWordHighlighting, noBracketsHighlighting

noWordHighlighting: True noBracketsHighlighting: True

Set this to True to disable words/brackets highlighting. By default words are highlighted on selection.


longdate: True

Enables data_format_version2: extended data types including longdate - timestamps with microsecond precision.


raduga: ['#20b2aa', '#32cd32', '#7f007f', '#ff0000', '#ff8c00', '#7fff00', '#00fa9a', '#8a2be2', 
        '#dc143c', '#0000ff', '#da70d6', '#d8bfd8', '#ff00ff', '#1e90ff', '#db7093', '#ffff54', 
        '#ff1493', '#7b68ee', '#ffa07a', '#008000', '#3cb371', '#b8860b', '#4682b4', '#000080', 
        '#9acd32', '#afeeee', '#7fffd4', '#ffdead', '#2f4f4f', '#556b2f', '#a0522d', '#483d8b']

This list defines colors to be used with colorize option (see below).

colorize (v 0.9)

colorize: False

Use colors defined by “raduga” list instead of standard ones. Same can be achieved by menu Actions -> Colorize KPIs.

Potentially useful to distinguish same KPI for different nodes in scale-out env. When this option is enabled colours will be extracted one by one from the list in this order. In order to have consistent colours for the same KPIs you will need to enable KPIs in the same order.


detachTimeout: 300

Timeout for detaching resultsets containing LOB values. Default value is 300 seconds.

blockLineNumbers (v 0.9)

blockLineNumbers: True

In case of DB exceptions, like syntax errors, HANA will report the line number of the error. This line number is inside the execured SQL string and not line number of the console. With this option enabled the console line numbers will only be displayed for the highlighted SQL string, so the reported DB error string should correspond to the displayed line numbers. Can be disabled by setting it to False.

updatesCheckInterval (v 0.91)

updatesCheckInterval: 7

Updates will be checked every 7 days (default). You can set it to 0 in order to disable check of updates.

updatesCheckBeta: True

updatesCheckBeta: True

By default only major releases will be checked. You can set this parameter to True to also be notified about beta releases. Check period controlled by updatesCheckInterval.

abap-length (v 0.91)

abap-length: 32

Number of characters limiting value length for ABAP style copy. The default value is 32.

abap-length (v 0.91)

copy-markdown: False

You can set copy-markdown to False to switch to pure ascii table formatting instead of markdown.

connectionsFile (v 0.91)

connectionsFile: 'C:\Users\somepath\connections.yaml'

Optional path to credentials/connections file. The setting might be useful when several RybaFish instances used on the same machine. The default behaviour is to have separate connections.yaml per RybaFish instance (copy).

screensFolder (v 0.91)

screensFolder: 'C:\Users\somepath\screens'

Optional path for to save screenshots. Might be useful when several instances of RybaFish Charts used.

customKPIsFolder (v 0.91)

customKPIsFolder: 'C:\Users\somepath\sql'

Optional path to custom KPIs folder. Might be useful when several instances of RybaFish Charts used.

contextSQLsFolder (v 0.91)

contextSQLsFolder: 'C:\Users\somepath\ContextSQLs'

Optional path to context SQLs folder. Might be useful when several instances of RybaFish Charts used.

scriptsFolder (v 0.91)

scriptsFolder: 'C:\Users\somepath\scripts'

Optional path to sql scripts folder, thde default is local ‘scripts’. Used in SQL Browser: menu -> SQL or F11.

sqlConsoleToolbar (v 0.91)

sqlConsoleToolbar: True

You can change it to False in config to manualy disable it. Similar can be acheive by menu -> Actions -> SQL Console Toolbar.

threadSafeLogging (v 0.91)

threadSafeLogging: False

In case you observe slow-downs or freezing duging loggings, try to disable this parameter (False) to avoid mutex usage during logging. The default is True - this should make logging thread safe (only since 0.91 beta 5)

import_timezone_offset (v 0.91)

import_timezone_offset: 7200 # CET summer time (CEsT)

By default import of the nameserver_history.trc file will display data in your local time zone. In most cases it is much more useful to have data in the system time zone, this is where this parameter can help. Unfortunatelly the trace does not contain this information but you can manually define the trace timezone in seconds as an offset from the UTC. To get this value from the source system you can execute: select distinct key, value from m_host_information where key in ('timezone_offset'). It is delta in seconds from UTC.

Note: 0 and no value has very different meaning in this context: no value = your local timezone, 0 = UTC.

The parameter needs to be set before you start the import.

The alternative way to manually specify the file time zone is to have filename postfix like ‘_utc7200.trc’, it will have the same effect. When the negative shift required - just use the ‘minus’ sign between ‘utc’ and number of seconds. Examples: EST (UTC-5) namserver_history_utc-18000.trc, CEsT namserver_history_utc7200.trc

File naming UTC shift has higher priority than configuration setting.

logSizeMax (v 0.93 beta II)

logSizeMax: 10485760

This parameter limits maximum log file size. When this size reached, the log file will be truncated to logSizeTarget bytes.

logSizeTarget: 1048576

This is target log size after truncation. By default sizes are 10 MB and 1 MB: this means after .log file reaches 10 MB it will be truncated to 1 MB. This allows very seldom file truncation execution.

Note: lofSizeTarget must be smaller than logSizeMax. Recommended range is 10-30% of loSizeMax.

The truncation check is part of starup routine.

reconnectTimer (v.096 beta I)

reconnectTimer: 60

When set - autorefresh consoles will try to reconnect after defined number of seconds and keep trying. Use it carefully as the user might be locked due to number of connecto attempts. But very useful when combined with alerting.

serverTZ (v.096 beta I)

serverTZ: True

Makes explicit server timezone active. Set it to False to get the old behaviour (with some errors during daylight saving events).

Notification sound volume (c.096 beta II)

notificationVolume: 50

By adjusting this value you can manage the volume of the notification sound played when the SQL finishes. You need to enable this using toolbar button in SQL consoles first.

hanaAuth (v.096 beta II)

hanaAuth: pbkdf2

Set default authentication method for HANA connection different from the default one (sh256). Note: sha256/pbkdf2 defined internally as SCRAMSHA256/SCRAMPBKDF2SHA256. pbkdf2 will be used automatically when HANA Cloud connection type used, because it is enforsed by BTP HANA Cloud connections (subject to change, see password_hash_methods HANA configuration parameter. Temporary experimental.

importTrim (v.096 beta II)

importTrim: False

Set to False to disable values trimming from whitespaces in import dialog. The default is True.

parseAutorefresh (v.096 beta IV)

parseAutorefresh: False

Set to false to disable automatich autorefresh feature. Automatic autorefresh means if you have a single-line comment like ‘– autorefresh 90’ before some SQL, in this case on F8 autorefresh with 90 seconds will be enabled for this console.

internal stuff, bugs

verifyGroupUnits (v 0.93)

verifyGroupUnits: True

This setting disables check of sUnit/dUnit kpi description integrity. In case same scaling group has inconsistent sUnit/dUnit - an exception will be generated. The check is enabled by default, can be disabled in case of issues.

bug795 (v 0.93)

bug795: True

This one returns the old chart grid rendering that seems to be buggy, see details in corresponding issue on github.

dataBarSelected (v 096 beta iv)

dataBarSelected: False

This will disable databar manual render of selected cells. Normally it is True, but you can disable in case of issues.